HOMESICK is the story of a man named Milo.
It follows him as he ventures through a foreign world in an attempt to find a way home after he fell through a strange rift back on Earth. Milo meets strange new people and visits strange new places, making friends and forming delicate friendships that will last longer than he could ever anticipate. along the way however, he finds that there are much deeper meanings to everything here, and comes to find himself strung up in the intricate relations of the divine.
HOMESICK is also the story of the many other characters who inhabit it; how they live, who they are. this world is dangerous, as is any, but Milo finds the hidden and forgotten, those misunderstood and misenterpreted, people obscured by the blinding light. nothing is as clear cut as first appears, for no one is as shallow as you think.
the shadow shields and the light blinds. All is strange and foreign to Milo, and only gets stranger.